The Best Results Come From The Way We Think and Act

Expand the number of enrollments at Smart Fit units. It was important to create a strategy to reach new users through digital channels, informing them about everything the gym has to offer. In other words, combining brand knowledge... SEE MORE

Waze's global team identified the needed to increase the app's reach in the app stores. Following this request, Google searched for partners worldwide and couldn't find a company technically ready to have this work done ... SEE MORE

Kicaldo - so far the "bean brand" -, had the ambition to expand its products portfolio. So how to communicate this to the consumers on a national scale? ... SEE MORE

After purchasing Vivo and GVT, Telefônica Brasil no longer had an important role as a commercial brand focused on the final target. The rebranding as Telco Digital had to respect global guidelines ... SEE MORE

Mattos Filho needed to produce a book to celebrate its 25th anniversary on a very tight deadline. Internally, the project had gone through several changes and it was unclear what the book should be about ... SEE MORE

São Paulo Museum of Modern Art was founded in 1948 with the purpose of showing the world's artistic production plurality, as well as the contemporary society interests ... SEE MORE