The Best Results Come From
Way We Think and Act
Kicaldo - so far the "bean brand" -, had the ambition to expand its products portfolio. So how to communicate this to the consumers on a national scale?
The first phase was the brand repositioning. We profoundly studied the brand history and its main assets, and we've changed the "beans" communication to "we are the Brazilian family flavor." The rebranding focus was the visual identity modernization; we kept the brand's strongest elements, but also brought in new ones. With the brand already established, we created a digital presence with a website, unique tone of voice and social networks. In this trajectory, we enabled a series of promotions, sports sponsorships, and the video recipes creation with songs made especially for Kicaldo.
Since the "beans" category creation in Top of Mind Brazil, Kicaldo has been the leader. The apis3 and Kicaldo partnership of almost a decade is a great success. On top of that, Kicaldo has always been close to the Brazilian families.