Mattos Filho
The Best Results Come From
Way We Think and Act
Mattos Filho needed to produce a book to celebrate its 25th anniversary on a very tight deadline. Internally, the project had gone through several changes and it was unclear what the book should be about.
We have assembled an interdisciplinary creation team and decided to have an art book with an elegant graphic design in which the brand colors would serve as a frame for an yet to be chosen artist's work. The next step was to talk to our partners at São Paulo Museum of Modern Art and and then we came up with a name: German Lorca - an outstanding photographer of his generation. The photos were chosen on a four hands work: ours and German's, who was 95 years old at the time. During the selection, we chose photos that marked the artist's trajectory in the five cities where Mattos Filho offices are. In addition to the book, we created a website to tell Mattos Filho's trajectory and also to display some of the photos present in the project.
One of the major law offices in Brazil quarter-century celebration was an intense process of decision-making in a very short period, but one that proved to be very fruitful, resulting in a real work of art.